Any weight-loss or self-improvement program is easier said and read about than done. Especially for those who consider their tummies as the bane of their existence, it is doubly hard to lose belly fat. So for those who are almost giving up, here's a simplified, step-by-step guide to saying goodbye to belly fat!
Step 1: There's no other way to start but exercise!
Exercising doesn't mean sweating it out in a major way. If you want to lose belly fat and keep your waist trim, you will need to start an exercise program that is moderate in intensity--and decide to do it daily. If you are living a sedentary lifestyle, though, you will need a higher-intensity program to compensate. The idea is to start losing weight as soon as you can.
Also, recent studies have shown that incorporating strength training with your exercise program can also help you bust that belly. But this may be a bit more complicated and may have serious health and physical repercussions. Consult with your doctor or fitness trainer first for expert tips on the best way to do this.
Step 2: Spot and burn.
There are conflicting views about whether or not spot exercises can help trim your tummy. Here's the real deal: exercises that are especially targeted on the tummy can help firm up the abdominal muscles, burn the visceral fat beneath them, and get you a tummy that's flatter than ever. Here are three simple exercises to start with:
1. To spot-burn deeper abdominal muscles, get down on all fours with your belly hanging down. Inhale deeply, and then exhale. As you let your breath out, slowly draw your tummy inward until your spine curls up. Your wait should feel tightened up as you do this. Repeat the process for ten times.
2. To target the lower abdominal muscles, assume a supine lying position. Bend your knees. Next, tilt your pelvic by straining your abdominal muscles while slightly lifting your pelvis up. Hold this position for five to ten seconds and repeat the process for five times. You should be able to do ten to twenty repetitions.
3. Another effective lower abdomen exercise is the pelvic lift. You can do this by lying down with your back against the floor, as in the pelvic tilt. While keeping your hands on your side, bend your knees, bringing it up to your chest. Slowly lift your pelvis from the floor until your knees are pointing straight up. The strain should be on your lower abdomen all throughout. Hold this position for five to ten minutes, and then repeat five times. Try completing ten to twenty repetitions.
Step 3: Eat healthy. Belly fat deposits are generally products of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. If you want to be serious about getting rid of unwanted tummy bulges, complement your workout with healthy eating habits. Be wary of what you're eating. Avoid saturated fats and simple carbohydrates, commonly found in starchy foods like bread and pasta, and load up on polyunsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates instead. When in doubt, read the nutritional information on food labels.
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